This month marks our fifth year in business. I still recall the first time I sold my first body butter. It was March 4, 2016, at Festa Della Donna a conference that celebrated and empowered women. I was a speaker that year, as well as a vendor. After setting up my table, I was excited and nervous at the same time. So many thoughts ran through my mind that evening about who would purchase the body butter. 

Everything on the table looked nice. I had handwritten labels on jars to shouted handmade and not manufactured. (lol) It was time to share about my new business and the story behind it. The WHY Symphony Body Products was birthed. 


After sharing my story with enthusiasm and joy I had people coming over to my table inquiring what I was selling. As I shared what it was I also had samples they could try. I did understand the power of vision and sensory when it comes to being a consumer. We shop with our eyes, then other senses. 

One person who tried it after several came back and said the words all business owners want to hear when starting out "I will take one!" I know I was grinning expressing so much joy because someone trusted what I was offering. She gladly paid me for my handwritten jar of body butter and obliged to take a photo with me. Little did she know how much validation that purchase brought to me. 

Today I still get excited sharing about the story behind the brand, recalling the way my first few batches of body products looked. I learned how important it is to solve a problem even if you don't believe you qualify to offer it. 

In 2016 I was simply solving my families skin flare up issues because I was tired of products that had ingredients that did not deliver what they said. Better yet they could not deliver because they lack the ingredients to really nourish the skin. It has been a journey of education, and I am just beginning to understand things more and more. 



Now that our fifth year is here, I have some great things planned. New products are coming. Couple of brand changes. Our community outreach will be launched and so much more. Keep an eye out for all the great things coming this year!

Thank you to all our customers who supported us over the years, we would not be here without you!🤩